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Title Crop planting and type proportion method for crop acreage estimation of complex agricultural landscapes
Year 2012
Authors Bingfang Wu, Qiangzi Li
English Authors Bingfang Wu, Qiangzi Li
Keywords Crop acreage estimation; Crop planting and type proportion; Remote sensing; Transact sampling; CropWatch
English Keywords Crop acreage estimation; Crop planting and type proportion; Remote sensing; Transact sampling; CropWatch
Journal Link http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-journal-of-applied-earth-observation-and-geoinformation/
PDF 201423122630274.pdf
Abstract This study presents a crop planting and type proportion (CPTP) method for crop acreage estimation of complex and diverse agricultural landscapes. CPTP has three major components: (1) Crop planting proportion (CPP), estimated with wide-swath satellite remote sensing data to completely cover the monitoring area by segmenting cropped and non-cropped areas through unsupervised classification. (2) Crop type proportion (CTP), estimated by transect sampling and a special GPS-Video-GIS instrument (GVG) and a visual interpretation of crop type proportion in collected pictures for different strata. (3) Multiplication of CPP and CTP with arable land area at the strata level, summed to the province and national level. Validation has been done with in situ data for different agricultural landscapes over China. Both CPP estimation with remote sensing data and CTP estimation through ground survey have a high accuracy with average relative error (RE) and root mean square error (RMSE) equal to 1.42% and 1.67% for CPP and to 2.63% and 2.25% for CTP. The RE for crop acreage estimation equals to 4.09%. The CPTP method thus has a high accuracy, yields timely information at low costs, and is robust and provides objective results. The study concludes that the CPTP method can be used for large area crop acreage estimation of complex agriculture landscapes.
English Abstract This study presents a crop planting and type proportion (CPTP) method for crop acreage estimation of complex and diverse agricultural landscapes. CPTP has three major components: (1) Crop planting proportion (CPP), estimated with wide-swath satellite remote sensing data to completely cover the monitoring area by segmenting cropped and non-cropped areas through unsupervised classification. (2) Crop type proportion (CTP), estimated by transect sampling and a special GPS-Video-GIS instrument (GVG) and a visual interpretation of crop type proportion in collected pictures for different strata. (3) Multiplication of CPP and CTP with arable land area at the strata level, summed to the province and national level. Validation has been done with in situ data for different agricultural landscapes over China. Both CPP estimation with remote sensing data and CTP estimation through ground survey have a high accuracy with average relative error (RE) and root mean square error (RMSE) equal to 1.42% and 1.67% for CPP and to 2.63% and 2.25% for CTP. The RE for crop acreage estimation equals to 4.09%. The CPTP method thus has a high accuracy, yields timely information at low costs, and is robust and provides objective results. The study concludes that the CPTP method can be used for large area crop acreage estimation of complex agriculture landscapes.